dawn, new mexico

A few weeks ago, I drove down to New Mexico to pick up a trailer that Susan and I were buying. It was a long, crazy, two-and-a-half-day drive to get there, and I didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about photos. On my last stretch, I left very early and was driving down the interstate when I noticed the beautiful dawn sky in the east. After thinking about it for a few minutes, I finally pulled over, got the tripod out and took a few shots before the light got too strong.

I loved the little wisp of haze, the deep blue of the sky, and the beginnings of bright sunlight on the horizon. Would have been nice to see a cloud or two (or the rising crescent moon), but I’ll take it.

(Click the image to see it bigger.)

4 thoughts on “dawn, new mexico”

  1. That deep blue is awesome. One of K’s favorite colors in nature. Sounds like quite a trip! Must be a cool trailer. Talk to you soon.

  2. It’s beautiful. The scene kind of sucks me in enough that I start to think I’m seeing the sky changing. I really like that you included the white line, which gives some balance to the light from the rising sun.

    • Thanks, Julie. I almost removed the white line–or shortened it, so that it didn’t go all the way to the edge of the frame–but in the end decided to keep it. I even gave it a little bit of a brightness boost to bring it out a bit more.


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